856 Gephart Drive, Cumberland, MD

Our Price: $99,900

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Property Info

This is a 4 bed 1 bath home that has 938 Sq ft that is on .07 acres.

Property Details

Address: 856 Gephart Drive, Cumberland, MD 21502

Type: Residential
Ref #: 203527CP
Beds: 4Baths: 1.0
Sq Ft: 938Lot Size: .07
For Sale By Owner
Phone: (866) 937-3557
Asset Manager: Chris Patterson
Email: [email protected]

Interested in the Property?

If you have a question or would like to see the inside of the property, please fill out the form on your right with your name, number, and email address.

Once you have submitted your request, one of our agents should be in contact with you shortly.